Monday, March 14, 2011

"Slight" change in plans

I have decided to do cold water moons instead of warm water moons. The reason being that warm water makes jellies grow at a much quicker rate, however I suspect it will shorten their lifespan and possibly make them more susceptible to disease. By the end of April, I should have the money to buy myself a small chiller. I am planning on getting the JBJ Mini-Arcticta Chiller. This chiller is discontinued and was $400 when it was for sale. I have found someone selling surplus for $300. I'm going to connect it to the plumbing in my tank, and then have it return water to the pump chamber in the tank. I have decided not to do the refugium in my tank and just make that compartment a "reservoir" for the heater and any other additional things that I want to add to the tank. I returned the light and mud for the refugium, and now I have $100 more for the chiller

Because the chiller is rated for up to 40 gallons, I can add another 25 gallons onto it. That means I will probably be adding a 24" x 24" x 8" tank to the system in the future to hold larger jellies. (considering i am successful with the tank I have now)

Also, Sunset Marine Labs sells coldwater moons (3"-4") for $30 a piece. If I am not able to obtain some jellies from the public aquarium, I will definitely go with these.

If you are not planning on keeping strong life support systems and being very serious with this hobby, you should go with warm water moons in a cheap jellyfishart tank. You'll spend a fraction of the money and time, even if it means replacing lost jellies a few times.

Since I'm not doing the refugium, the jellyfish tankmates article will have to wait a little longer than expected. I need to get some Cassiopeia, Catostylus, or Mastigia jellies to do some experimenting with.


  1. Ive been trying to get those spotted lagoons to go with some upside down jellies but I cant find them anywhere but suppliers that sell to companies only. I think that jellyfish art's Biube desktop tank would house them perfectly.

  2. Do you have any local fish stores that order from quality marine? They would be able to get you some spotted lagoons.
    Jellyfish art's tanks don't have strong enough lighting to support a photosynthetic jelly like the spotted lagoons. But they'd be great in a biocube or nanocube!

  3. I tried petco, but that was obviously a no go, since petco is too big for something like that. however there is one store near where i live that might agree to try it out, or might already order from them.

  4. yeah, petco has a large warehouse (I guess that's what you'd call it) where they have their own animals that they ship out to their various locations.
